Meditate & Flow with Mother Turtle

It has been wonderful offering this session for free to the public and I am hoping more people will hear about it and join in. For centuries meditation has been a tool for well being and connecting with our Divine…

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Pouraholics Anonymous



*From a blog by Patricia Fuller: 

The Twelve Steps of Pouraholics Anonymous 

  1. Admitted I am powerless over acrylic pouring—that my life and my Facebook feed has transformed from the quintessential, “I hate Donald Trump and…
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The Beautiful Sea

When I lived on Key West, I spent my days in the water and nights playing music. As you can imagine, this was an easy routine to settle into. The ocean called to me every day, and every day I…

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Healing The Stories

We tell ourselves stories in a myriad of ways that once practiced, creates what we believe. Belief affects what is experienced. What are you thinking about something you are wanting? Is it in reach? Whatever you believe about it, the…

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Bliss Out!

"Follow your bliss and don't be afraid... doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be." ~ Joseph Campbell 

I have walked my own path from a very young age. I never did quite fit…

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Purple Prince

1 year ago, the Purple Prince departed. He was found in his home on the elevator. Unknown wether he was going up or down! lol. Death humor... I know it seems silly to some, but I truly love this man…

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Chocolate, Lead & Cadmium

I have had chocolate once since the mid 90's. I had terrible reactions to it. Emotional, mental, biochemical. Thanks to a dear friend who figured it out before I did (Adrienne)... I figured it was some kind of allergy, so…

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Portraits as Vision Boards

What if you really do get to create your own reality? What if you could see evidence of it everyday? 

This actually does happen all the time. We're just not always paying attention. We think the irate customer or… Read more